Health Vitality Systems International, Inc.

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If you are like most people, you may have many opened food products in your refrigerator: from ketchup to jelly, to that seafood cocktail sauce used once for a party some time ago. Do you remember when each of them was opened? Do you know if that sauce is still safe to eat?


Once you have opened a food product, you can no longer rely on the manufacturer's "use-by/best-by" date*; that date is no longer valid. Harmful molds and bacteria begin to grow in an opened food package, even inside a refrigerator. The bad news is that they have no smell or taste in the early growth stages, so you and your family may be consuming mouthloads of them, putting yourselves at a serious risk of food poisoning. 


The good news is that now you can avoid such risks. Working with doctors and dietitians, Health Vitality Systems International Inc. has created a set of tools to help you eat safe and stay healthy. Now you can eat smart!


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